Black Friday–> Get It.

I couldn’t have come back at a better time if I’d planned it myself. While at OCS I missed every sports game, every tv show, all of the new songs, and whatever else emerged in the past 3 months while I was still on the island. Now’s my time to catch up and it couldn’t come better with the biggest, bestest deals, of the whole year.

Video games have gone mad crazy and are going to be at all time low prices. I’m stoked. You better believe I’ll be getting:

Halo ODST at gamestop for $39.99

Fallout 3 [My very own copy] $19.99


Left 4 Dead 2 $34.99

This should tide me over for the next 3 weeks when I go back to RI. Hopefully this time I’ll have ***MY*** CAR and my xbox 360. I might even go the distance to say that I really really really am considering bringing my ski’s and going skiing up there because its what I do. God I love skiing.!!

Also, should I be fighting over games with you on Black Friday, don’t take it personally, you just don’t stand a chance. Muhaha.

Uncharted 2–> Among Theives Sequel

The only game that I have ever played that is made solely for PS3 would be Uncharted. I do not have a PS3 and I a huge fan of the Xbox and this is where my loyalties lie. This does not me that I won’t play games on the PS3 this just means that all of my gaming friends have only a Xbox 360 as well and I am not in a PS3 enviorment very often. My friend Pete, a good college friend was a huge fan of the PS3 and so we would have gaming parties at his house, although the gaming parties at my apartment were always better. haha.

One of the times I went to visit he introduced me to uncharted. This was shortly after its release date and he had a big computer project to work on. Since I was the only one over and it is a single player game, he let me play it. I almost beat the entire game that night, and I had great fun with it. I have previously talked about uncharted and how it is basically Indiana Jones in the name of Nathan Drake.

Now that the sequel is under six months away, we can start the countdown for Uncharted 2: Among Theives. Unfortunately I will not have the oppurtunity to play this game at its release date because I will be getting the shit kicked out of me in naval OCS, but I will be looking forward to stealing somebodies PS3 for a little bout of fun with it on my first break. If you don’t know anything about the first one and are not interested fine, but first have a look at the trailer for the second one. You’ll love it.

Also as a bonus I have an interview done by Nolan North on his website in which he talks with Emily Rose and Claudia Black, the voices of Elena Fisher and Chloe Frazier, the two main women in Uncharted two. I am extremely surprised by how much they look like their characters and I enjoyed this interview very much.

The Cake is a Lie. Like We Weren’t Already Aware.


Here I am, referencing one of the basic most epic games to come from the orange box and I can’t help myself. God knows we all love portal. Yes its a one day challenge but it was almost better to play then half life 2 or team fortress. The sick sense of sarcasm that this game provides us was enough to make it an instant favorite and success among gamers everywhere.

One of my favorite lines [and I suppose this is mostly spawned off of a good friend who introduced me to the game and quickly made me know and love the game] would be “I will not stop enhancing the truth”. That is amazing.

One of the funniest stories I have about portal is making fun of said friend [noted above] and laughing about him playing the game. Let me set the mood for you. He’s all alone, in a dark room, with the small glow of a lamp barely visible behind the desktop. He is gripping the mouse and as he clips away through the levels of the game he is laughing creepily and neurotically to himself. eh ehh ehhhh. It is a fond memory I have and one we have spent many a day laughing over in the past.

I guess you might have had to have been there to understand but I can write what I want and you can choose to read it if you take a liking to it.

So for once and for all, as it always will be “THE CAKE IS A LIE” “THE CAKE IS A LIE” “THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!”

the cake is a lie

O yes and I would also like to note that during the portal review on zero punctuation, the Australian could not find one thing wrong with this game. He even says yeah I can’t say anything more about this game. That in my opinion is a great review, since he is always bashing something or other. Portal, you rock and this is a long awaited tribute to you that should have been written much earlier!

Left 4 Dead 2 and Assassin’s Creed 2 Same Day Release.

For all to the Left 4 Dead fans, it will be a great day on November 17th when the sequel is released in stores everywhere and you can jump right back into the zombie killing action. Yeeha! And for all the medieval fans [or should I say people who wish to find out medieval things by tapping into other DNA] out there that are interested in real game interaction Assassin’s Creed 2 will be released that day. So, there will be fun for everyone everywhere. You better run out and pre order a copy of your choice now so when its released you can jump right into the action.

Assassin’s Creed 2 will hopefully be better then ever and there is a huge expectancy surrounding this game. We were in love with the interaction that Assassin’s Creed had to offer, like doing things out of the ordinary attracted the normal passeby’s attention and you couldn’t just go crazy out there, you had to act cool or people would wander about you and stand down under a building as you walked across the roof saying O my what is that man doing up there?!?

I will always remember the era that surrounded its first release and the excitement as I watched videos about it online. Now, there is another buildup as the time ticks down to the sequel. All we can hope is that its not nearly as repetitive as the first one and that after working their way through the first one they can bring back a second one bigger and better than ever. Altaïr Ibn you are bad ass, and I enjoy playing you. Love the sword. This is a game to be excited over.

And of course we can’t forget about Left 4 Dead.

Thanks to Machinima who makes some of the best video game videos ever, I can supply you with a Left 4 Dead 2 Trailer. If you aren’t excited about the game, you will be now.

Just one Question… IS THAT TYRA BANKS AS A ZOMBIE??!??? Because I’m willing to bet that it is and she totally takes a head shot. hahaha.

Enjoy the trailers and get pumped for the games!

Gears of War 2, Acheivements Long Overdue.

gears of war 2cSo, it is finally time. I do realize that Gears of War 2 was released about six months ago. I also realize that I have been a lazy ass and have not got my second cog tag achievement, which I damn well want. Now most of you can that I just waited until all of the locations were posted and they put up the how to video on you tube. You would be absolutely correct in your thinking. In fact, you are brilliant. I mean really, they hide some of these things in the darndist places. Why only get them here and there when I can wait for the locations to be posted and get them all at once?

Plus, I will also add the fact that they aren’t just cogtags this time. They are different articles of things and I don’t want to miss one.

With a thunderstorm rolling over my hometown, I will camp in the basement and play away to my hearts content. Maybe then I can get this achievement done once and for all. Of course, it might be a bad idea to play in a thunderstorm because 1. I might loss my place if the power goes out and 2. the locusts kind of sort of scare the shit out of me and a thunderstorm really doesn’t help with that aspect.

The good thing is that I am not going out tonight. I am staying in, relaxing, and kicking ass at gears of war 2 because its what I do.

Confessions of a Writer<3

Game Stop Coupon Bonanza!


So I just feel like I got one of the best deals everr… and here’s why!

Game Stop was having a semi secretive sale and I found out about it through a guy who always knows about all of the great deals… couldn’t tell you how.

When I went over to game stop there were three options for the deal. One of them was if you buy aerosmith guitar hero for 9.99, you would recieve a free wired guitar controller. SAWEET.

So I went in and looked around but the aerosmith guitar hero game was $24.99, $29.99, or $34.99.

So I went over to the counter and I asked the man. He told me that the Aerosmith game was in a bin over on the other side of the store. Talk about Shady. I then looked in the bin and behold there was one Aerosmith guitar hero game left.

I grabbed that game right up and then I went over to the man, leaned into the counter and asked him very quietly if I also get the controller. He nodded yes and then he went in the back to get it. Yes Yes YES!

I didn’t want to be too loud about it because there were other people in the store and I didn’t want them to know about it.

So then he wrang up my great deal and I paid $10.56 for guitar hero Areosmith and a guitar hero controller. It would have been about $75 dollars.


I can’t wait to check it out. I’m going to start a career with Aerosmiths band and I’m going to rock out. Wooooo.

Confessions of a Writer<3