
This weekend is a time for receiving. Too many things going on all at once and every one of them will be a small package of happiness and surprise.

Here is a list of the receiving I will be doing this weekend in order of importance….

Next week will be a list of giving that I have done to make up for all the small things that make my life fantastically blissful.

3. American Outlaws

american outlawsI have been trying to acquire this movie now for about four years. I rented it from the library back in the day, loved it and wanted it for my own. As it turns out a great friend who knows about my quest was out shopping and acquired said movie for just pennies. And those few pennies will lead to my great happiness in watching this movie again, and then maybe a second time all in one day.

2. Pictures!!

picture galleryfinally… Finally… FinAlLY!! I have been wanting to get pictures developed for some time now and I have finally been able to get all the pictures I have been lazily disregarding and not printing out. Now I will be able to immediately start my spring break scrap book that has been waiting ready for two months now, and I will be able to make picture albums of my trip to Hawaii!! EeeeEeEE! I love pictures. I find great joy in taking them and looking at them and this has been looooong awaited. So long in fact that I have placed an order for 1,327 pictures. Now that, my friends, is my biggest record yet.

1. Suunto Core Watch

suunto coreI am definitely not a very good online shopper by any means. And when I say this I am serious. My problem with online shopping is the fact that I will never pay for overnight shipping and I absolutely positively hate waiting for something precious that I have ordered to come in the mail. I am very impatient when it comes to these things but to get good deals one must compromise, brood, and check the tracking update of said item twenty times a day till it arrives.

Now this is my beauty. The watch I have acquired for my military experience and I could not be happier with it. It is a combination watch, altimeter, barometer, compass, and depth meter. The only feature missing is the red button that turns it into a car that has automatic pioliting. I’m a huge geek when it comes to high tech gadgets and this watch even has my energy levels up. It has very many options, some I probably will never know how to use, but I will have them and I can’t smile bigger right now.

While I lay in wait for my watch, check out all of the crazy awesome things it can do. And don’t worry, that’s not the price I paid. I’m a bargain shopper by nature.